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You can apply to join CVH at any time during the '24-'25 school year up until the middle of April, 2025, assuming we have not reached our maximum capacity. Just come by any weekly Tuesday Park Day to add your name and email to our new member sign up sheet and we will email you an Application.

Join CVH!

CVH Membership continues to grow, and we are currently over120 families strong with over 250 children ranging in age from 5-18. Our families practice all types of homeschool styles, from PSA's and Charter schools to Unschooling. We all come together to enjoy friendship and community as we enjoy the benefits and freedom of homeschooling. We'd love for you to join us!

To become a member of CVH, simply come by one of our Park Days held each Tuesday. (We do not mail out or email Applications until we have personally met you and/or your family. You must come to a Park Day and have your information added to our interest list.) You can meet other families, get information about CVH, and talk to others about their homeschooling experience. Membership for the year is $100 per family. Your membership dues cover Park Day rental, insurance, printing and mailing costs, special Park Day events, and subsidize certain events and items such as yearbook, senior recognition, and talent show. You must be a member of CVH to enjoy our activities, field trips and enrichment classes. We hope to meet you soon!

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